JETFON JR-17CLPe Micro-headset for Motorola CLPe
Ref: 0624EReplacement micro-headset for CLPe
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RugGear PTT micro-headset 13 PIN connection for RG530, RG725, RG750 & RG880
Ref: RG1713RugGear PTT micro-headset 13 PIN
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RugGear micro-headset jack 3.5mm PTT for Smartphones
Ref: 25030700PTT micro-headset for Smartphones
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Jetfon JR-E1702 Microphone with noise cancelling (2-pin K connector)
Ref: E1702Microearphone K connector
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Kenwood KHS-11BL 2-Wire Palm Microphone with Earpiece
Ref: KHS11BLMicrophone with Earpiece
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