Pihernz celebrates its 80 years
This year is a big one for us: in 2023, Pihernz Comunicaciones celebrates its 80th anniversary in the telecommunications market. What happened in 80 years?
The beginnings: Especialidades Eléctricas Pihernz
In 1943, Antonio Hernández Bernús and Josep Mª Pi Tramunt decided to associate themselves to respond to the great demand for telephony and telegraphy that existed at that time. They created the company Especialidades Eléctricas Pihernz that offered telephone, radio and electricity sales, installation and repair services. venta, instalación y reparación de telefonía, radio y electricidad.
The 60s: marketing of the radios
It was from the 1960s when Pihernz began selling the incipient 2-way radios such as FERMAX, RETEX, COBRA, DYNASCAN, CAPRI, and STALKER, which were sold even when their use was not authorized in Spain.
Pihernz created a professional radio division to sell portable and mobile VHF and UHF transceivers and install radio networks in factories, town halls, etc. Furthermore, as a result of demand, the company began to market accessories such as antennas, meters, cables, connectors…
These radio activities were combined with the distribution of telephone products and automatic entryphones from the firm FERMAX.
The 70s and 80s: Importation and creation of our brands
It was from the 70s that we began to import products and register our main brands: Dynascan, Jopix, Jetfon, Kombix, Super Star and PC.
In 1983, the Spanish authorities legalized the use of CB/27, with which the sales increased remarkably.
In 1985, our old offices on the Gran Vía in Barcelona were too small so we moved to L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.
The 90s: Official distributor of major brands and phone system
Although the largest part of the billing was still done with telephony, in the 90s, the business increased obtaining of exclusivity for Spain of the most important radio brands in Japan such as Tokyo HY-Power, Alinco, Diamond Antenna.
In 1992, the Super Star 3900, emblematic radio of our company and of the European CB, was approved in Spain.
Years 2000: Specialization in radio and export
Since the end of the 90s, telephony began to decline due to the high competition from mobile phones. It is when we decided to focus our business on radio communication, dedicating our efforts to bring innovation, as well as impeccable commercial and technical service to this market.
The 2010s also mark the beginning of the export of our brands throughout Europe.
We continue to represent major brands in the world of radio and bring new models to the market to meet all needs.
In 2016, we introduced another flagship radio for the company: the Dynascan 1D free-use professional mini walkie-talkie, which has sold more than 40,000 copies throughout Europe.
We congratulate and thank all the people who, in one way or another, have helped to get to today and who are part of our history for all the work of so many years. To follow many more years!